Imagine High School: A WONDERful Place To Learn
August 14, 2023

In just its second year of operation, Imagine High School in Chilliwack, British Columbia is already impacting how students learn. Retrofitting an existing structure with the key objective of optimizing learning integration through design.
Challenged to develop a space that supports an integrated approach to learning, the school leaned into the valuable experience CDI brought to the table.
A School Re-Imagined
Imagine High Principal Brooke Haller and Program Director Janet Carroll were thrilled with the opportunity to design a school from the ground up, excited about the possibility to revamp a secondary school. Coming from backgrounds in traditional school environments, the project provided the chance to re-imagine learning and seek out a road less traveled.
“We had an opportunity to spend a whole year planning and researching and outfitting an entire school to create a new pedagogy for Imagine High. What makes us different is an integrated approach so kids move through projects instead of moving through subjects. Kids are learning in community,” said Brooke Haller, Principal of Imagine High Integrated Arts and Technology Secondary.
With a keen appreciation that the approach to learning impacts design, CDI spent time understanding how the school would be utilized, listening to the vision and collaborating intently to bring it to life. It’s a strategy not all design companies utilize, preferring instead to draw from templates and standardized configurations.
“At CDI, we pride ourselves on our open and collaborative approach, leveraging our deep industry knowledge to guide our customers through the complexities of creating, sourcing and delivering dynamic spaces that are customized to our clients needs,” said Russell Devenish, Managing Director at CDI.
Supportive Design, With Students In Mind
Imagine High School’s community-based approach to learning informed the design from the start. With a ‘welcome center’ instead of an office and ‘studios’ instead of classrooms, CDI created nesting spaces throughout the school to encourage and amplify collaboration and connection. Designed so the school feels warm and alive, the furniture used can be configured based on students’ needs, creating a University-like atmosphere where there is freedom to thrive.
An integrated arts and technology secondary school meant unique spaces utilized for recording, theater and podcasting along with a learning commons and library. At every opportunity, CDI optimized learning integration, bringing in furniture with flexibility to radiate a relaxed and welcoming vibe.
The art room utilizes metal frame tables with a large piece of wood that drops into the top that can be swapped out, enhancing creativity and empowering students to feel free in their expressions with the materials they are using and the different media. With the furniture meeting the needs of the students, the creative spaces support learning that is flexible and adaptable.
A Vision Brought to Life
The leadership at Imagine High School had a vision which CDI brought to life seamlessly and collaboratively, supporting their goal for students to experience learning in a radically different way. With CDI committed to understanding the vision and needs of the school, the end result is a stunning space, truly a wonderful place to learn.
Moveable furniture and adaptable spaces shine, encouraging freedom of expression and individuality. Turning design into reality can present challenges, but not where CDI is concerned. Supporting their customer every step of the way, CDI is proud to have created a space where students and staff thrive together, truly re-imagining learning and positively impacting the next generation.
Ready to get started? Meet with a CDI design consultant today.