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Designing Spaces that Work Better With Canadian Office Furniture

Imagine an environment where collaboration and creativity thrive, where staff love to hang out every day because they feel comfortable in an environment that supports what they need to do, where productivity skyrockets, and goals are exceeded time and time again. In recent years, the office has had to adapt to evolving and fluid work patterns. It’s time to help people do their best work by creating places that work better.


Flexible Work Stations

Work stations can be anything from hot desks where staff choose a desk for the day, or while working on a project in proximity to others, or individually assigned desks where they permanently sit and store their belongings. The fundamental principle of a hybrid office is flexibility.

Storage Solutions

Storage solutions are pivotal in a hybrid office. Giving staff a sense of peace knowing their personal belongings are secure while not in the office, and having everything they need ready when they return is important. And even while moving around the office to work in different zones. Being able to flexibly work and pick up and move is necessary for wellbeing and productivity.

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private meeting space

Private Meeting Space

Private workspaces or small meeting spaces are a very easy first step to transitioning your office to a Hybrid Office. Having a separate closed space allows for uninterrupted work, a great bridge from home to office working, and allows for quiet calls, or small meeting groups to reduce numbers. Many of the options to add to your office are movable and adaptable to your specific needs.

Comfortable Seating

Today’s working environments are all about flexibility and giving staff a space to feel comfortable to work as they require and tasks change. Having a comfortable space that gives flexible options like comfortable seating for lounging, or impromptu meetings allows creativity to flow at all times of the day.

comfortable seating

Explore Our Workspaces

Discover how we’re revamping workspaces with innovative solutions that  inspire productivity and collaboration.

Download Our Catalogues

Check out our catalogues for more inspiration.

Let's Get Started!

We understand the unique needs and challenges of educators, students and staff. Let us help make your dream school a reality.


#113, 19097 – 26 Avenue
BC V3S 3V7



138-885 42 Ave SE, 
AB T2G 5N9



9319 47th Street NW 
AB T6B 2R7



1122 Hamilton St Suite 100
SK S4R 2B2



211 - 2nd Avenue North 
MB R0C 2Z0



43 Hanna Ave C536
ON M6K 1X1
